In between dolly stuff...

Howdy, dollies!

The past few days, I am a quite busy with running around places with my mom who I believe I told you about was visiting for her physical check up. I hope to sneak in some dolly stuff in between laboratory checkups and doctor visits this week, but crossing fingers here.

In the mean time, here are some photos of us then and now (with a doll, of course). :)
I hope you have a nice week, friends! Hugs!



  1. Very pretty picture! You resemble your Mom a lot. Sometimes it is good to do non doll related things.

    1. Thanks much, dear.. I actually don't see how much we resemble each other as most people say I look like my dad more hehe! Someday, I'll post a photo of him and me... In the mean time, yes - it is good to do something non-doll related, too for a change :)

  2. You and your mom look a lot alike. Nice that you get to spend some time with her. Enjoy each moment. Don't worry about dolly stuff for now. We will be here when you return.

    1. Thank you, Vanessa... Yes, it is indeed a nice thing to hang out with Mom whom I only get to see during the Christmas holidays.. I sure enjoy each moment =) Thanks so much, dear.. "See" you soon!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so so much, Roville... My mom is loving this post tee hee....

  4. Very nice pictures of you and your mom! Have a nice time together :-).

    1. Thanks much, Linda dear... We are having some great mom and daughter time, indeed! Thanks so so much for the well wishes! Hugs!


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