What has happened in 2018...

Hey dollings!

I hope everyone is well :) Some of you may have noticed that I've been MIA for the past few months and wondered where have I gone. Well, thankfully, I'm still here but have gone farther with my ventures. I've finally done some things that I had been wanting to add to my never-ending list of to-do's, or at least, to-try's ;D

Firstly, yay I finally have some of my sewing patterns scanned, formatted in PDF and listed on my online shops available for download.

I had been wanting to do this even before I thought of quitting my day job to focus on the shop. I was once in the technical and copy writing business so I had experience with publication. It took a loooong while but I think what really pushed me to start working on it was to heed a call during my 7th shop anniversary. I wanted so much to share what I have to the community. I want to have a giveaway where I can share how much creativity can save us from this neurotic society and its problems. I thought that if I start sharing my patterns, someone on the fence of making their own dolly clothes will be inspired to actually start doing it. When I was just starting to make my own patterns, there's so much resistance and very little skills, so it took me sooooo long to improve. I know I needed to understand patternmaking to be able to make the tiny garments that I want to see in my dolls, but at that time, there wasn't enough information and tools available for me.

So, yeah, I got myself a scanner and I started making layouts. I gave away 10 patterns for my 7th anniversary raffle winners. One of them is Vero of @doll_magnolia, who is having such a fun time making her own hoodie pullovers from the patterns I made for her.

Fast forward to today, I have now 18 downloadable patterns on my Etsy shop, and oh, at my new website, ateliernishasha.com ... 

Finally, I have purchased a domain and a shop feature to house my inventory. I still run some inventory on Etsy but all new items will be listed first in my website. My website will also have a lower retail pricing scheme as now I can save up on the massive fees that Etsy asks from us low-quantity producing business owners. I hope you can find time to visit my website today ;)

And also, I have added more how-to videos at my Youtube channel, yay! These videos are the made to support the PDF patterns. I can't believe I finally did it. It took me so long to figure out how to format the videos but so far, they just came out naturally. I hope you can check out these videos, too.

I also added new dolls, and let go of some last 2018. It was sad to let go of the ones that had been with me since the start but I guess, it's time that they move on to new homes. I'll probably check my current collection some time and make a post about who's been added and who left.

Okies. That is it for now. I know I have a lot more to talk about but I will do that in another post. 
For now, I wish you a great weekend, be it you will just be lounging,
or crafting, or travelling ;)

much love,


  1. Congratulations on getting so many of your patterns scanned, formatted and up for sale! I hope 2019 proves to be a successful year for you! :)

    1. Thanks, j! Yeah, took me so long but here they are! I am so happy to share them :D I think success is a loaded word. I would love to think as success being able to conquer your fears, your resistance, your doubts and just really go and try to do whatever project you've been thinking about. You know, just to see how you started. I always feel accomplished even if the project is not done :D

  2. Wow what I year for you! I love you new website. I was actually thinking of making a few doll dresses myself, but keep putting it off because I am impatient and know I will give up after only a couple of tries. I think I will go ahead and try to make some simple dress, but will have to get it through my head that I need to take my time with things.

    1. Oh, dear, thanks so much! To be honest, I still haven't finalized the brand design of sorts on the website but like I told jSarie in the previous comment, it's all about just starting it. I feel free. I feel relieved from all the thoughts that concern building my own site. I understand now why some people don't plan and just go ahead with things.
      Yes, please, do try it. Just start with one doll clothing. One piece at a time. And don't set expectations. Just use the patterns, cut the fabric and sew. If it doesn't turn out pleasing, at least you did not expect it to be, right? The idea is you tried it ;) Have fun then, dear <3

  3. Congratulations Shasha! You have been busy! I will check out your website I can already imagine that it will be awesome! Great to see a post from you!!

    1. Thanks so much, Vicks.. I had been and I was glad 2018 was when I mustered all the courage in the world to start the projects I have long wanted to.. I really miss to be here, too. With the digital products added in to my shop, I noticed having more time to do other things, such as blogging! Thanks so much for the warm welcome. It took me some courage to write again, to be honest..

  4. Hi Shasha! Since I follow you on Facebook, I knew that you were alive and OK. I just thought you were more focused on your shop than on your blog.
    Your new website looks so neat. I really like some of the new items you have listed. I also think it's a great idea to post patterns. I've wanted to learn to sew for a few years, so once I do, I'll check out those.
    Take care.

    1. Hey doll! Yes, you are right I had been super focused on the shop - specifically, focused on tweaking it so it serves the lifestyle I had always wanted. Happy to know you liked the website, but it's also gonna be updated soon with new photos and all. I hope to start next month ;) As for sewing, let me know if there's anything I can write about to get you going ;) Good luck, dear.. xoxo...


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